Answered on: November 26, 2018


Is there a location in Christchurch other than the Airport where I can drop off the rental car?


Simply type Christchurch only and choose Christchurch only from the drop down menu, ideally conduct the search from anything other than a mobile.


I'm currently do it on my mobile


You will then see a small map where you can choose a suitable location.


Ok. Let me find my tablet


It's easier to use anything other than a mobile. You may be restricted somewhat by where you can drop the car because you are making a one-way rental from Greymouth.


It may only be possible to drop it at the Airport in Christchurch, but the website will show you what is possible.


Also, I'm a traveler from United States. I have my original driver's license from the States. However, in the details it mentioned I need to have international permit also?


Your US license is fine. For your future reference and English language-based license is accepted everywhere worldwide, an international permit is merely a translation.